QR Codes: Can they be useful in Libraries?


I did a training session at the UVic Law Library this morning on QR Codes in Libraries.  Here’s a link to my slides, and I’ll copy and paste my handout below.  Enjoy!

  • What is a QR Code?  It is a 2 dimension bar code, readable by smart phones like the iPhone, BlackBerry and Android phones.  New iPod Touches are also be able to read QR Codes.
  • As of September 2010, 50% of UVic Law Students owned smart phones – up from 30% in April 2010.
  • Libraries are using QR Codes in a number of different formats, to link back to their websites, and provide additional information to patrons when and where they need it:
    • Bookmarks
    • Posters and Advertisements
    • Signs
    • Room Booking
    • Handouts and guides
    • OPAC records
  • Creating a QR code is quite easy.  Goto  http://qrcode.kaywa.com then:
    • Create a QR Code Using a page from the library website.
    • Right Mouse click… “Save As”… Save to Desktop.
    • Insert the graphic QR Code into a Word Document.
  • Shorter URL’s mean smaller QR Code graphic.  To make a URL shorter, simply goto http://bit.ly and paste the URL in and click on the “Shorten” button.
  • Final Thoughts:
    • Not everyone has a Smart Phone.
    • Make Sure we include a URL along with the QR Code where it makes sense.
    • Let’s begin to use QR Codes where it will help our patrons most.

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