Topic 6 – Selected Multimedia Creation Tools Learning Tools

Topic 6 Learning Objectives. By the end of this week you should be able to:

  • Use different types of design, colour, and typography to create a different tone or feeling for your multimedia objects
  • Design & Layout a poster or Brochure with Canva that conforms to multimedia learning principles
  • Use a Canva template to create an effective infographic by summarizing quantitative and qualitative data into tables, charts, or graphical representations in a narrative that is aesthetically pleasing and compelling
  • Describe how templates can help you quickly create effective multimedia objects that conform to multimedia learning principles and related theories

Introduction to Topic 6

So far we have spent almost all of our non-lab time on the theories of how multimedia fits into the learning puzzle. In this topic, we will put the theory on hold and focus on learning some practical skills for creating effective multimedia learning objects. While we won’t be covering any new multimedia or interactive learning principles, please keep them in mind as you create several multimedia objects today, and in the future, so that the multimedia objects you create are as effective as you can make them!

We have covered a number of powerful multimedia and interactive learning tools so far, and we will learn to use a few more in the remaining topics. That said, I don’t expect you to become an expert in all the tools, or even use them on a regular basis. My goal is to give you an introduction to a number of tools, and provide you with the basic skills to create learning objects with each of them so that when you find yourself in a position down the road that one of these tools is ideal for a task you have, you can learn the extra skills you need at that point to build an appropriate learning object.

Keep in mind that most of these tools could easily be a course on their own, so think of each of our topic labs as mini-crash courses!

This week We’ll be looking at 1 additional tool and 4 related skills. Some of you will have used one or more of these tools or skills before, but for some, they will be completely new. Please feel free to work through the lab materials below on your own if you’d like, or work through them during our optional lab time via Zoom. If you have any problems or questions while working through the lab materials on your own, please attend the lab and I can give you a hand then.

Hands-on this week

Design, Colour & Typography

(6 min)

(6 min)

Just in case this is helpful to you, here is a colour scheme generator you can use for your graphic design (or wardrobe related) projects:

(6 min)

If you’d like to learn more about Serif and San Serif fonts please read this Canva resource on fonts.

Design & Layout with Canva

What is Canva and why should you consider using it?

(1 min)

A gentle introduction to Layout & Composition:

(5 min)

Introduction to Design and Layout with Canva:

(17 min)

Now let get hands-on and create a poster, a brochure and possibly a photo frame in Canva.

If you don’t already have a Canva account please go to and set up a free account.

Now work through at least the following first two activities. If you get stuck or have any questions, please contact Rich for assistance, or attend our Lab time or Rich’s office hours (see below for details):

  1. Design a Poster in Canva (15 min)
  2. Design a Brochure in Canva (15 min)
  3. Optional: Photo Frames in Canva (15 min)

If you would like to earn a UVic Libraries Digital Scholarship Commons badge for this Design & Layout with Canva workshop, please email a PDF from one of the above activities to and you will receive a badge you can put on your Linkedin page within 2 business days.

Infographics with Canva

Some tips on how to make effective infographics:

(2 min)

Introduction to Infographics with Canva

(9 min)

Now work through at least the following first three activities:

  1. Infographic Template & Titles (15 min)
  2. Infographic Bar Charts & Text (15 min)
  3. Infographic Graphics & Finishing Touches (15 min)
  4. Optional: Extra Skills – Stock Photos, Clip Art & QR Codes  
  5. Optional: Instagram Infographic Slides (15 min)

Tasks & Assignments This Week

  1. Blog Prompts for this week:
    • Embed one of the things you created this week in Canva (infographic, poster, brochure or photo frame)
    • In 250 words or less discuss all the multimedia learning principles that related to your multimedia object


Creative Commons Licensed Workshop Curriculum | UVic Libraries Digital Scholarship Commons. (n.d.). Retrieved February 20, 2021, from

Brain Snacks. (2016, June 1). What is Canva, and why should you use it?

DeBell, A. (2019, December 11). How to Use Mayer’s 12 Principles of Multimedia Learning. Water Bear Learning.

Easelly. (2018, September 23). What Makes an Effective Infographic? (2016, October 5). Beginning Graphic Design: Color. (2017, July 13). Beginning Graphic Design: Fundamentals. (2016, November 22). Beginning Graphic Design: Layout & Composition. (2016, August 10). Beginning Graphic Design: Typography.

Johnson, D. (2021, February 19). Design and Layout with Canva [Mp4].

McCue, R. (2021, February 20). EDCI 337—Selected Multimedia Creation Tools [MP3].

McCue, R. (2021, February 20). Introduction to Infographics with Canva & Related Multimedia Learning Principles [MP4].

Underhill, C. (2018). Design Principles for Multimedia. In UBC Wiki.

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