For my eBook workshop at Olds College’s iSpark conference on May 14, 2014:
Step 1: Open “eBookPublishingMadeEasy.docx” file in Microsoft Word.
Step 2a: In Windows Word 2013, “File” -> “Export” -> “Change File Type” -> “Save As a Web page”. Select “Save only display information into HTML” & save to your desktop. Close Word.
Step 2b: In Mac Word 2011, “File” -> “Save As a Web page”. Select “Save only display information into HTML” & save to your desktop. Close Word.
Step 3: Launch Sigil & open the HTML document you just saved.
Step 7: “Tools” -> “Meta Data Editor” and edit the Title and add Author information. Select “OK”.
Step 8: “File” -> “Save”, then select “ePub” in the file type dropdown, to save the ePub file to your desktop.
Step 9: Email the ePub file to yourself, and then open on your eBook reader.
If you don’t have a document for the more advanced ebook creation that includes making a table of contents, you can download this one: ResearchCollaborationToolsforStudentsStaffFaculty.docx.