Topic 7 – Intentionality in Technology Enabled Learning Design

Welcome to week 7! This week we will talk about two useful theoretical frameworks that can assist us in evaluating educational technologies now and into the future. For our hands-on lab time, we will learn to use a low-tech and then a high-tech tool to perform a similar educational task and then reflect on their relative appropriateness using the two evaluation frameworks we discussed.

Topic 7 Learning Objectives

  • Describe the SAMR theory of technology adoption, and evaluate the technologies we are using in EDCI 336 using this framework
  • Explain how the TPACK model’s three forms of intersecting knowledge might help us evaluate the usefulness (or not) of Educational Technology in any particular situation
  • Understand the benefits sketchnoting can provide learners when used for readings or classroom instruction
  • Create a sketchnote based on a reading of an article
  • Use Canva to create an effective infographic by summarizing information into graphical representations in a narrative that is aesthetically pleasing and compelling

Pre-Class Activities

Evaluating Educational Technology Tools: SAMR

The SAMR (Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, Redefinition) model of technology adoption gives us a useful framework to evaluate the potential benefits of new educational technologies:

What is the SAMR Model? (4 min)

When evaluating a multimedia learning tool, please ask yourself, where on the ladder of the SAMR Model of technology integration does it evaluate fall (see the infographic below)? If the new educational technology does more than “substitute” another technology, are the additional benefits the tool provides worth the investment of your time, your learners’ time, and your school budget compared to other tools already in use in your school district?

Please read this excellent but concise SAMR article to round out our formal learning on this tool: SAMR Model – A Practical Guide for EdTech Integration (~5 min). 

REFLECTION – Please reflect on the H5P instructional video you created:

  1. Compared to a lecture format of instruction, where does the H5P video you created sit on the SAMR spectrum?
  2. Could you modify your video or H5P interactivity to move your H5P video higher on the SAMR spectrum?
SAMR Model
SAMR model, illustrated by Sylvia Duckworth

Evaluating Educational Technology Tools: TPACK

Let’s take a look at the TPACK model. TPACK seems to have first been presented in research written by Punya Mishra and Matthew J. Koehler in 2006, and has since evolved into the framework teachers use today.  It provides a framework for evaluating the appropriateness of educational technologies for any given learning environment. TPACK stands for:

  • Technological Knowledge: Knowledge about technology, including thinking about and working with technology, tools, and resources.
  • Pedagogical Knowledge: Knowledge about pedagogy, including practices or methods of teaching and learning.
  • Content Knowledge: Knowledge about the content or subject area to be learned or taught.

(2 min)

When considering using an EdTech tool, please ask yourself, what are the strengths and weaknesses of the tool as you evaluate it using the SECTIONS model? When it comes time to select the most appropriate tool or technology to help meet each of each learning objective I find it helpful to use Bates’ SECTIONS model to help evaluate the appropriateness of a particular technology. Bates’ model prompts us to critically look at each technology in light of.

TPACK Model by Punya Mishra & Matthew J. Koehler

Which Model Should I Use: TPACK -or- SAMR?

While both SAMR and TPACK are frameworks used to evaluate technology integration in education, they offer distinct perspectives. SAMR provides a broad overview of how technology can be used in the classroom, categorizing any technology’s capabilities into four levels. However, its simplicity can limit its effectiveness in capturing the nuances of technology integration.

In contrast, TPACK recognizes the interconnectedness of pedagogy, content, and technology. It emphasizes that effective technology integration requires a deep understanding of how these three elements interact. By focusing on the interdisciplinary nature of teaching and learning, TPACK offers a comprehensive and nuanced framework for evaluating technology use in the classroom which is often useful but also makes for a more complicated analysis.

REFLECTION: Please reflect on the H5P instructional video you created: What are the strengths and weaknesses of your H5P video when evaluating it using the SAMR & TPACK models?

Class Time

Lecture Video

(12 min)

Hands-on Lab Time

Now we will get hands-on and you will make your own Sketchnote edit and then make an infographic, both of which you can post on your WordPress blog. Let’s dive in!


(7 min)

Work through the Libraries’ DSC workshop, Sketchnoting: Doodle Your Way to Better Grades. Please have fun while you doodle and remember, sketchnoting is not meant to be beautiful art, but instead a tool to help you (and your learners) remember important or interesting information!

If you’d like to, please make your sketchnote on a topic of your choice rather than feeling like you have to use the provided article in the workshop handout. For example, you could make a sketchnote on SAMR or SECTIONS, or on your Free Inquiry topic. The subject for your sketchnote is up to you! Please ask Rich if you have any questions or concerns.


(1 min)

(2 min)

(14 min)

Work through the Libraries’ DSC workshop, Infographics with Canva. Please ask Rich if you have any questions.

Learning Pod Time & Homework

  1. Learning Pod peer feedback:
    • Spend 10 minutes reviewing last week’s Critical Evaluation post from a different member of your learning pod.
    • Please make sure that everyone in the learning pod gets one of their blog posts reviewed.
    • Please be professional and kind as you provide feedback to your peers’ blog posts. Use this guide as you review peer blog posts today, and until the end of the semester: Blog Post Peer-Review guidance
  2. Weekly blog post to document your learning in class and to document your learning (incorporate audio, video, and screen video capture into your blog posts this week).
    • Review the 336 Blog Post Rubrics to make sure you’re including all the minimally required elements for your weekly blog posts.
    • Here is a  on the topic and/or technology of the week.
    • Please complete the first two bullet points below and then critically discuss two or more of the following blog prompts (or if something else stood out to you this week, feel free to critically reflect on that but still complete the first two bullets):
      • Embed either a photo of the sketchnote you created during class time
      • Embed the Infographic you created in Canva.
      • How can the SAMR theory of technology adoption help you evaluate technologies that you might consider using in your classroom?
      • How could the TPACK model help you select the most appropriate tool or technology to help meet your learning objectives for your class?
      • Could sketchnoting benefit learners in the grade level you hope to teach at? If so how?
  3. Weekly Free Inquiry blog post:
    • Document your free inquiry progress, reflecting on your progress, as well as identifying and evaluating helpful resources you found. Provide details on your learning progress (through success or failure).
    •  Employ a multimedia strategy in your post to help document your inquiry by using text and one or more other media to help make it more engaging (e.g., image, screencast, video, or other formats).
    • Utilize social writing strategies such as hyperlinks to blog posts (e.g., trackbacks) or to articles/resources consulted, including web pages, images, videos, etc.
    • Use the category, “free-inquiry”.
    • Share your post with your learning pod at your next meeting (usually at the end of class time).


Bates, T. (2019). Teaching in a Digital Age – Models for media selection

Duckworth, Sylvia. (2015, April 2). New #sketchnote The SAMR Model @karlyb @ICTEvangelist @ShakeUpLearning #elemchat @TheTechRabbi #ipaded #ipadedchat [Tweet]. @sylviaduckworth

H. L. (2017). SAMR Model: A Practical Guide for EdTech Integration. Schoology Exchange.

Selecting Educational Technologies: A Checklist | UNT Teaching Commons. (n.d.). Retrieved February 5, 2022, from


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