From Self-Driving Cars to ChatGPT: AI Demistified in 20-Min

Presentation Summary

In my presentation to the Canadian Club, I talked about what Artificial Intelligence (AI) is by using examples from movies and everyday life. We also explored the workings of AI and Generative AI (GenAI), detailing at a high level how large datasets and statistical models power them. We also reviewed some of the limitations of AI tools, discussed their use in various industries such as healthcare, finance, transportation, and education, and speculated about the future of AI and its potential impact on society. I concluded the presentation with resources for further exploration and reading.

Resources Referenced in the Presentation

Presentation Slide Show

If you’d like to see the whole slide show, including speaker notes (which contain many of the links to resources mentioned in the presentation, please check out the complete presentation. Below are the presentation slides without speaker notes:

AI Drone video following Rich around:

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