Please complete the following activities:
- Enter date data into rows & columns:
- Name and identify rows & columns:
- Sort data, using the filter button:
- Change categorical data (e.g., male, female) into numerical data (e.g., 1, 2):
- Use the following functions: SUM, SUMIF, INT, COUNTA, COUNTIF, VLOOKUP,
CONCATENATE, VALUE, LEN: - Track changes in Excel:
- Use these statistical functions: AVERAGE (Mean), Standard Deviation, MEDIAN, MODE, COUNT,
Standardize, Sample Variance, Kurtosis, Skew,MIN, MAX, Range: - Produce basic graphs, histograms and scatterplots and edit them (e.g., add title, change axes names, colours, sizing etc):
Live Demonstrations
- Copy and paste a bunch of rows and columns into another worksheet (maybe the same as #1 on the list above?)
- With 2 open workbooks, move a tab/worksheet from one workbook to another (they will export a file and then add it to a template workbook – they should understand copying a worksheet/tab versus/and moving a worksheet/tab), move a tab within a workbook, rename a tab
- Create a new tab/worksheet
- Set up formulas that cross tabs/worksheets, i.e. link to another sheet using “=”
- Understand how an “IFS” statement works. They will not need to set one up, but they will use a template that has an IFS function: